Hair and beauty salon in Spain

Holistic Massage

Holistic massage
For the body, the massage helps taut muscles learn to relax and this, combined with strokes to aid lymphatic drainage, helps to release toxins. The benefits can be felt by all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles. According to the Massage Association, research has verified that office workers massaged regularly were more alert, performed better and were less stressed than those who weren't massaged. It is not just office workers who benefit. Stress affects different people in a myriad of ways, physically and emotionally. Stiffness and soreness in muscles can be due to a wide range of physical factors from an overly energetic session in the gym or carrying too much shopping home, to poor posture through being seated at a desk all day or excessive time behind the steering wheel.
holistic stress pain relaxing massage

Business Hours

Mon - Fri   9:30 - 18:00  


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